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Unlocking the Strategic Industrial Real Estate Development Opportunities in Haymarket, VA

Unlocking the Strategic Industrial Real Estate Development Opportunities in Haymarket, VA


The picture-perfect town of Haymarket in Virginia boasts of rich historical heritage, cultural diversity, and astoundingly natural beauty. In recent times, however, the town has transformed into an industrial hub, attracting hordes of businesses and investors. Its strategic location, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and relaxed business environment have made it a preferred destination for Logistics and Manufacturing companies. Today, we are here to analyze the strategic industrial development opportunities in Haymarket, VA, and understand how Boosalis Properties is facilitating growth for these sectors.

The town of Haymarket is situated in a prime location, making accessibility a non-issue for logistics companies. The proximity to major markets such as Washington D.C and Baltimore and the availability of several major highways such as Route 15, I-66, and US 29, make it an ideal strategic location for logistics companies. Additionally, local workforce availability is not a constraint, with two-thirds of the regional population having completed post-secondary education.

Haymarket has several Industrial parks, including Dominion Valley Corporate Center, Barret Heights, and Progress Court Industrial Park. These areas have a high concentration of industrial space, making them ideal for Manufacturing companies. The real estate development options for manufacturing companies are diverse, ranging from warehouses, flex spaces to large manufacturing complexes. Boosalis Properties offers leasing options for industrial spaces that are budget-friendly in the long term.

The last few years have witnessed the rise of e-commerce in the US, and the pandemic has accelerated its growth. The implications of this can be attributed to Haymarket’s ability to get products to the end-user in the shortest possible time. The industrial real estate in Haymarket is suitable for e-commerce warehousing and distribution operations. Large companies such as Amazon have set up last-mile delivery stations here, indicating the potential of Haymarket as an e-commerce hub.

Haymarket’s business-friendly government policies and relaxed permit acquisition processes have made it a hub for businesses seeking to operate in a conducive environment. The town provides several business incentives and conducts strategic planning activities to support industrial companies. The Haymarket Economic Development Authority (EDA) is always willing to facilitate with all industrial real estate development companies and help provide data necessary for their assessments. Furthermore, the county courts have helped speed up the construction permitting process, making it more efficient.


Haymarket, VA, is an ideal location for coordination and manufacturing companies looking to establish a base. With its prime location, diverse and affordable real estate options, and business-friendly government policies, it is little wonder that even big industry players such as Amazon have established themselves in the town. Boosalis Properties understands the potential of Haymarket, and the company offers a full and diverse range of industrial properties in the town. The move by Boosalis properties is a deliberate effort to support and provide a platform for industrial real estate development in the town. If you are looking for a conducive environment to establish or grow your industrial business, then Haymarket, VA, is worth taking a closer look at.

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