Your Commercial Real Estate Concierge Since 1978
Prince William County, VA
Zoning Information
Boosalis Properties has compiled the following county zoning resources for your convenience. No warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy of this information. For the most up to date zoning information please visit your local county zoning office.
Industrial Districts
Office Districts
General Business Districts
Industrial Districts
Sec. 32-403.10. M-1, Heavy Industrial District; purpose and intent.
The M-1 District is intended to implement the industrial employment land use classification of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this district is to also promote employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County. It is designed to provide areas for and to encourage development of heavy and intensive industrial processing, manufacturing and storage with limited retail and service uses. Retail or residential and low intensity employment uses are generally incompatible with the nature of uses contemplated in the M-1 District.
(Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-403.11. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the M-1 District:
- Alarm systems operations, office.
- Ambulance service, commercial.
- Ambulance service maintenance facility.
- Animal shelter.
- Assembly (non-HAZMAT).
- Bakery, industrial.
- Blacksmith, welding, or machine shop.
- Boat building and repair yard.
- Brewery and bottling facility.
- Building materials sales yard.
- Catalog sales, contractor; tradesman, and industrial equipment (with or without showroom).
- Catering, commercial (off premises).
- Coal, wood, and lumber yards.
- Cold storage.
- Company vehicle service facility.
- Computer and network services.
- Contractor or tradesman’s shop (limited), no trash or refuse removal service.
- Contractor or tradesman’s shop, no trash or refuse removal service.
- Data Center within the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Distillery.
- Distribution and fulfillment center, less than 80,000 square feet in gross floor area, outside of the E-Commerce Overlay District.
- Distribution and fulfillment center, less than 350,000 square feet in gross floor area, within the E-Commerce Overlay District.
- Dry cleaning/garment processing plant, wholesale facility.
- Dry cleaning/garment processing facility, retail, greater than 3,000 square feet.
- Electronic equipment and component manufacturing, assembly, processing, and distribution.
- Equipment and material storage yard; no trash or refuse removal service.
- Feed and grain storage and distribution center.
- Flea market.
- Food service, institutional.
- Furniture repair, dipping and stripping, upholstery.
- Greenhouse or nursery, wholesale (not more than 20 percent of lot area may be devoted to garden center uses).
- Gunsmith shop.
- Janitorial service.
- Kennel, commercial.
- Laundry, industrial.
- Manufacture and fabrication of signs.
- Manufacturing, candy/confectioners.
- Manufacturing, cosmetics and perfume.
- Manufacturing, electronic components.
- Manufacturing, fabricated metal.
- Manufacturing, musical instruments and toys.
- Manufacturing, pharmaceuticals (non-HAZMAT process).
- Manufacturing, pottery, ceramics.
- Marble/tile, processing, cutting and polishing.
- Masonry and stoneworking.
- Medical or dental laboratory.
- Motor vehicle repair.
- Motor vehicle sales, rental or lease (unlimited), excluding passenger motor vehicles less than 7,500 pounds gross vehicle weight. Floor area devoted to storage of parts inventory used for service and repair shall not be included in secondary retail sales floor area calculations.
- Motor vehicle service.
- Moving and storage.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center.
- Office.
- Parking, commercial.
- Photographic processing laboratory.
- Publishing and printing.
- Radio or TV broadcasting station.
- Railroad freight depot.
- Railroad passenger station.
- Recording studio.
- Recyclable materials separation facility.
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Research and development (non-HAZMAT).
- Self-storage center, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.14.
- Sheet metal fabrication.
- Solar energy facility.
- Taxi our limousine operations and service facility.
- Tool and equipment rental, service and repair, heavy and minor.
- Trade, technical or vocational school.
- Trailer sales (retail), lease, storage, repair and maintenance.
- Veterinary hospital.
- Warehouse (non-HAZMAT).
- Waterfront or maritime uses.
- Wholesaling (non-HAZMAT).
Except for retail dry cleaning/garment processing facilities greater than 3,000 square feet, no more than 20 percent of the gross floor area of the principal use may be used for accessory retail sales of products made or stored on the premises. The square footage devoted to such accessory retail sales shall be included in calculating the limit on secondary uses permitted by section 32-403.12, below.
(Ord. No. 92-50, 5-5-92; Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 95-6, 1-3-95; Ord. No. 99-13, 2-16-99; Ord. No. 00-77, 10-17-00; Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 14-60, Attch., 11-18-14; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 18-15 , Attch., 4-10-18; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-403.12. Secondary uses.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the M-1 District, but only in conjunction with, and secondary to, a permitted principal use, either existing or proposed for concurrent construction, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.13.
- Locksmith.
- Quick service food store.
- Motor vehicle fuel station (limited to vehicles associated with the primary business or use).
- Recreation facility, commercial (indoor).
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-403.13. Special uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the M-1 District with a Special Use Permit, including any other manufacturing, processing or wholesaling use not otherwise permitted by this chapter; including any use involving the storage of petroleum, propane or natural gas products or hazardous materials.
- Asphalt/concrete plant.
- Assembly (HAZMAT).
- Data Center outside the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Day care center.
- Distribution and fulfillment center, greater than 80,000 square feet in gross floor area, outside of the E-Commerce Overlay District.
- Distribution and fulfillment center, greater than 350,000 square feet in gross floor area, within the E-Commerce Overlay District.
- Extraction of mineral resources and related industrial/ wholesaling operations, including operation of crushers and sorting equipment customarily accessory thereto.
- Heliport.
- Manufacturing and processing, other (HAZMAT or non-HAZMAT).
- Marina.
- Motor vehicle auction (wholesale).
- Motor vehicle fuel station.
- Motor vehicle graveyard.
- Motor vehicle impoundment yard.
- Motor vehicle sales, secondary to motor vehicle repair.
- Motor vehicle storage yard.
- Motor vehicle towing.
- Range, shooting, indoor or outdoor.
- Recycling plant.
- Research and development (HAZMAT).
- Sawmill.
- Stadium, arena, or amphitheater, indoor or outdoor.
- Storage facility (HAZMAT).
- Testing/experimental laboratories (HAZMAT).
- Warehouse (HAZMAT).
- Water transportation facility.
- Wholesaling/storage and processing (HAZMAT).
(Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 95-6, 1-3-95; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-403.20. M-2, Light Industrial Zoning District; purpose and intent.
The M-2 District is intended to implement the flexible use employment center land use classification of the Comprehensive Plan. It is also intended to implement the industrial employment center land use classification as a transition to the flexible use employment center land use classification. The purpose of this district is to also promote employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County. It is designed to provide areas for research and development centers, light industrial manufacturing, warehousing, wholesaling and related office and institutional uses, and not for retail and service uses except in support of the uses primarily intended.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 05-41, 6-7-05; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-32, Attch., 7-19-11; Ord. No. 12-22, Attch., 3-13-12; Ord. No. 14-44, Attch., 7-15-14)
Sec. 32-403.21. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the M-2 District:
- Alarm system operations, office.
- Ambulance services, commercial.
- Artist or photographer’s studio, commercial.
- Assembly (non-HAZMAT).
- Bakery, industrial.
- Brewery and Bottling Facility.
- Business school.
- Catering-commercial (off premises).
- Cold storage.
- College, university or seminary.
- Computer and network services.
- Contractor or tradesman’s shop (limited), no trash or refuse removal service.
- Data Center within the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Distillery (not to exceed production of 5,000 gallons per year).
- Distribution and fulfillment center, less than 80,000 square feet in gross floor area, outside of the E-Commerce Overlay District.
- Distribution and fulfillment center, less than 250,000 square feet in gross floor area, within the E-Commerce Overlay District.
- Electronic equipment and component manufacturing, assembly, processing and distribution.
- Greenhouse, nursery (wholesale) (not more than twenty (20) percent of the lot area may be devoted to retail garden center uses).
- Gunsmith shop.
- Institute for special education and training
- Institutional food service.
- Janitorial service.
- Locksmith.
- Medical or dental laboratory.
- Motor vehicle service (limited).
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center.
- Office.
- Pharmaceutical product manufacturing (non-HAZMAT).
- Photographic processing laboratory.
- Publishing and printing.
- Radio or TV broadcasting station.
- Railroad passenger station.
- Recording studio.
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Research and development (non-HAZMAT).
- School of special instruction.
- Self-storage center, subject to the provisions of section 32-400.14.
- Solar energy facility.
- Tool and equipment rental, service and repair (minor).
- Trade or convention center.
- Trade, technical or vocational school.
- Travel agency.
- Veterinary hospital.
- Warehouse (non-HAZMAT).
- Wholesaling (non-HAZMAT).
No more than 20 percent of the gross floor area devoted to any use may be used for accessory retail sales of products made or stored on the premises. The square footage devoted to such accessory retail sales shall be included in calculating the limit on secondary uses permitted by section 32-403.22, below.
(Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 95-6, 1-3-95; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 05-41, 6-7-05; Ord. No. 05-65, 9-6-05; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-32, Attch. A, 7-19-11; Ord. No. 14-60, Attch., 11-18-14; Ord. No. 15-66, Attch., 12-8-15; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 18-15 , Attch., 4-10-18; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-403.22. Secondary uses.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the M-2 District, but only in conjunction with, and secondary to, a permitted principal use, either existing or proposed for concurrent construction, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.13.
- Adult day-care facility.
- Barber shop, beautician studio, tanning and toning salon (one set of toning equipment only).
- Bus station, commercial.
- Catalog sales, contractor, tradesman, or industrial equipment (without showroom).
- Child-care facility.
- Equipment storage.
- Financial institution.
- Helistop.
- Motor vehicle fuel station (limited to vehicles associated with the primary business or use).
- Office equipment, sales, lease and service.
- Quick service food store (not freestanding, unless approved as part of a motor vehicle fuel station, retail).
- Recreation, commercial (indoor).
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
- Taxi or limousine dispatching.
(Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 05-41, 6-7-05; Ord. No. 05-65, 9-6-05; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-403.30. M/T, Industrial/Transportation; purpose and intent.
The M/T District is intended to implement the industrial employment land use classification of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this district is to also promote employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County. It is designed to provide areas for and encourage development of heavy industrial uses, and in particular for including those which generate considerable truck and/or heavy equipment traffic, or which require access to more than one mode of transportation. Facilities involving specialized transportation and industrial equipment, together with related supporting services, should be located in the M/T District since, by their nature, such uses must be served by transportation facilities capable of handling the type and amount of traffic generated.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-08, 3-1-11; Ord. No. 14-44, Attch., 7-15-14)
Sec. 32-403.31. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the M/T District.
- Alarm systems operations, offices.
- Ambulance service, commercial.
- Ambulance service maintenance facility.
- Animal shelter.
- Assembly (non-HAZMAT).
- Bakery, industrial.
- Blacksmith, welding or machine shop.
- Boat building and repair yard.
- Boat sales, rental or lease, storage, service, or repair.
- Brewery and bottling facility.
- Building materials sales yard.
- Catalog sales, contractor, tradesman or industrial equipment (with or without showroom).
- Coal, wood and lumber yards.
- Cold storage.
- Commercial bus terminal.
- Commercial parking.
- Company vehicle service facility.
- Computer and network services.
- Contractor or tradesman’s shop (limited); no trash or refuse removal service.
- Contractor or tradesman’s shop (unlimited); no trash or refuse removal service.
- Data Center within the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Distillery.
- Distribution and fulfillment center.
- Dry cleaning/garment processing plant, wholesale facility.
- Dry cleaning/garment processing facility retail, greater than 3,000 square feet.
- Electronic component, assembly and repair.
- Equipment and material storage yard; no trash or refuse removal service.
- Farmer’s market.
- Feed and grain storage and distribution center.
- Furniture repair, dipping and stripping, upholstery.
- Greenhouse or nursery (wholesale) (not more than 20 percent garden center uses).
- Janitorial service.
- Kennel, commercial.
- Laundry, industrial.
- Marble/tile processing, cutting and polishing.
- Manufacturing and fabrication of signs.
- Manufacturing, candy/confectioners.
- Manufacturing, cosmetics and perfume.
- Manufacturing, electronic components.
- Manufacturing, fabricated metal.
- Manufacturing, musical instruments and toys.
- Manufacturing, pharmaceuticals (non-HAZMAT process).
- Manufacturing, pottery, ceramics (using only previously pulverized clay and kiln fired only by electricity or gas).
- Motor vehicle auction (wholesale).
- Motor vehicle impoundment yard.
- Motor vehicle parts, with service.
- Motor vehicle repair.
- Motor vehicle sales, rental or lease (recreational).
- Motor vehicle sales, rental or lease (unlimited).
- Motor vehicle service.
- Motor vehicle storage lot.
- Moving and storage.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center.
- Office.
- Publishing and printing.
- Radio or TV broadcasting station.
- Railroad freight depot.
- Railroad passenger station.
- Railroad yard.
- Recording studio.
- Recyclable materials separation facility.
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Research and development (non-HAZMAT).
- Self-storage center, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.14.
- Solar energy facility.
- Taxi or limousine operations and service facility.
- Tool and equipment rental, service and repair (heavy and minor).
- Trade, technical or vocational school.
- Trailer sales (retail), lease, storage, repair and maintenance.
- Trash and refuse removal service (local only).
- Truck terminal.
- Truck wash
- Veterinary hospital.
- Warehouse (non-HAZMAT).
- Waterfront and maritime uses.
- Wholesaling (non-HAZMAT).
Except for retail dry cleaning/garment processing facilities greater than 3,000 square feet, no more than 20 percent of the gross floor area devoted to any use may be used for accessory retail sales of products made or stored on the premises. The square footage devoted to such accessory retail sales shall be included in calculating the limit on secondary uses permitted by section 32-403.32, below.
(Ord. No. 92-50, 5-5-92; Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 95-6, 1-3-95; Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-08, 3-1-11; Ord. No. 14-44, Attch., 7-15-14; Ord. No. 14-60, Attch., 11-18-14; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 18-15 , Attch., 4-10-18; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-403.32. Secondary uses.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the M/T District, but only in conjunction with, and secondary to, a permitted principal use, either preexisting or proposed for concurrent construction, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.13.
- Locksmith.
- Motor vehicle fuel station (limited to vehicles associated with the primary business or use).
- Recreation facility, commercial (indoor).
- Quick service food store.
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-403.33. Special uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the M/T District with a Special Use Permit, including any other manufacturing, processing, or wholesaling use not otherwise permitted by this chapter, including any use involving the storage of petroleum, propane or natural gas products or hazardous materials.
- Asphalt/concrete plant.
- Assembly (HAZMAT).
- Data Center outside the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Day care center.
- Extraction of mineral resources and related industrial wholesaling operations, including operation of crushers and sorting equipment customarily accessory thereto.
- Heliport.
- Manufacturing and processing, other (HAZMAT or non-HAZMAT).
- Marina.
- Mobile home and office sales, lease or service.
- Motor vehicle fuel station.
- Motor vehicle graveyard.
- Motor vehicle sales secondary to motor vehicle repair.
- Racetrack (motorized vehicles).
- Range, shooting (indoor or outdoor).
- Recycling plant.
- Research and development (HAZMAT).
- Sawmill.
- Stadium, arena, or amphitheater, indoor or outdoor.
- Storage facility (HAZMAT).
- Testing/experimental laboratories (HAZMAT).
- Truck stop, with related facilities.
- Warehouse (HAZMAT).
- Water transportation facility.
- Wholesaling (HAZMAT).
(Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16)
Office Districts
Sec. 32-402.10 O(L), Office Low-Rise District; purpose and intent.
The O(L) District is intended to implement the community employment center, office, flexible use employment center, and general commercial land use classifications of the Comprehensive Plan. It is designed to provide areas for low- to mid-rise office buildings and research and development facilities, with limited scale retail and institutional uses at a scale serving as a transition between low- to moderate-density residential uses and higher intensity non-residential uses. The purpose of this district is also to promote employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-402.11. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the O(L) District:
- Alarm systems operations, office.
- Business school.
- College, university or seminary.
- Computer and network services.
- Cultural arts center.
- Data Center within the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Event center/meeting hall.
- Financial institution.
- Hotel, motel or short-term lodging.
- Institute for special education and training.
- Medical or dental laboratory.
- Medical or dental office and clinic.
- Mortuary, funeral home.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, up to 30,000 square feet in gross floor area.
- Office.
- Private school (no boarding).
- Religious institution with related facilities.
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Research and development (non-HAZMAT).
- Trade, technical or vocational school.
- Wedding Chapel.
(Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-40, Attch. A, 9-13-11; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-402.12. Secondary uses.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the O(L) District only in conjunction with and secondary to a permitted principal use, existing or proposed for concurrent construction in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.14:
- Adult day care facility.
- Art gallery, private.
- Barber shop, beautician studio, and tanning salon.
- Cafeteria/lunchroom/snack bar/automat.
- Child care facility.
- Commercial artist or photographer’s studio.
- Helistop.
- Live entertainment in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.15.
- Office equipment, sales, lease and service.
- Photographic processing laboratory.
- Quick service food store (not freestanding).
- Recording studio.
- Recreation facility, commercial (indoor or outdoor). Paintball prohibited.
- Recreational facility for employee.
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
- School of special instruction.
- Travel agency.
- Watchman’s dwelling.
(Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-402.13. Special uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the O(L) District with a Special Use Permit:
- Civic club.
- Continuing care retirement community.
- Crematory, secondary to a hospital or funeral home.
- Data Center outside the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Hospital.
- Medical care facility, specialized.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, greater than 30,000 square feet in gross floor area, in
accordance with county code sec. 32-400.27.
- Radio or TV broadcasting station.
- Solar energy facility.
- Taxi or limousine dispatching.
- Veterinary hospital.
(Ord. No. 94-49, 7-19-94; Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 00-78, 10-17-00; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-40, Attch. A, 9-13-11; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 18-15 , Attch., 4-10-18; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-402.20. O(H), Office High-Rise District; purpose and intent.
The O(H) District is intended to implement the regional employment center, regional recreational center, and office land use classifications of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this district is to also promote employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County. The O(H) District is designed to provide areas for high-rise office and institutional uses, with limited scale supporting retail and service uses, to permit the establishment of non-industrial and non-retail employment centers near major transportation facilities, within designated employment areas and regional recreation areas.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-402.21. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the O(H) District:
- Alarm systems operations, office.
- Business school.
- College, university or seminary.
- Computer and network services.
- Cultural arts center.
- Data Center within the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Event center/meeting hall.
- Financial institution.
- Hospital.
- Hotel, motel, or short-term lodging.
- Institute for special education and training.
- Medical care facility, specialized.
- Medical or dental laboratory.
- Medical or dental office and clinic.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, up to 30,000 square feet in gross floor area.
- Office.
- Private school (no boarding).
- Religious institution with related facilities (excluding cemeteries).
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Research and development (non-HAZMAT).
- Trade or convention center.
- Trade, technical or vocational school.
(Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-402.22. Secondary uses.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the O(H) District only in conjunction with and secondary to a permitted principal use, existing or proposed for concurrent construction in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.14:
- Adult day care facility.
- Barber shop, beautician studio, tanning and toning salon (one set of toning equipment only).
- Cafeteria/lunchroom/snack bar/automat.
- Child care facility.
- Civic club.
- Commercial artist or photographer’s studio.
- Fraternity, sorority, secondary to college, university or seminary (on campus only).
- Helistop.
- Live entertainment in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.15.
- Office equipment sales, lease and service.
- Photographic processing laboratory.
- Parking, commercial.
- Quick service food store (not freestanding).
- Recreation facility, commercial (indoor).
- Recreation facility for employees.
- Recording studio.
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
- School of special instruction.
- Travel agency.
- Watchman’s dwelling.
(Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-402.23. Special uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the O(H) District with a Special Use Permit:
- Bus station, commercial.
- Continuing care retirement community.
- Data Center outside the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Heliport, secondary only.
- Helipad.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, greater than 30,000 square feet in gross floor area, in accordance with county code section 32-400.27.
- Radio or TV broadcasting station.
- Railroad passenger station, secondary only.
- Taxi or limousine dispatching.
(Ord. No. 94-49, 7-19-94; Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 17-70 , Attch., 9-5-17; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-402.30. O(M), Office Mid-Rise District; purpose and intent.
The O(M) District is intended to implement the regional employment center, regional recreation center, office, flexible use employment center, and community employment center land use classifications of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this district is to also promote employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County. The O(M) District is designed to provide areas near appropriate transportation facilities within designated employment areas and regional recreation areas, for mid-rise office and institutional uses, with limited scale supporting retail and service uses, and to serve as a transition between lower intensity office, employment, and institutional uses, and higher intensity residential employment, industrial, and commercial uses.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-08, 3-1-11)
Sec. 32-402.31. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the O(M) District:
- Alarm systems operations, office.
- Business school.
- College, university or seminary.
- Computer and network services.
- Cultural arts center.
- Data Center within the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Event center/meeting hall.
- Financial institution.
- Hotel, motel, or short-term lodging.
- Institute for special education and training.
- Medical care facility, specialized.
- Medical or dental laboratory.
- Medical or dental office and clinic.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, up to 30,000 square feet in gross floor area.
- Office.
- Private school (no boarding).
- Religious institution with related facilities (excluding cemeteries).
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Research and development (non-HAZMAT).
- Trade or convention center.
- Trade, technical or vocational school.
(Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-08, 3-1-11; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-402.32. Secondary uses.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the O(M) District only in conjunction with and secondary to a permitted principal use, existing or proposed for concurrent construction in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.14:
- Adult day care facility.
- Art gallery (private).
- Barber shop, beautician studio, or tanning salon.
- Cafeteria/lunchroom/snack bar/automat.
- Child care facility.
- Commercial artist or photographer’s studio.
- Fraternity, sorority, secondary to college, university or seminary (on campus only).
- Helistop.
- Hotel.
- Live entertainment in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.15.
- Office equipment sales, lease and service.
- Optical and eye care facility.
- Quick service food store (not freestanding).
- Recreation facility, commercial (indoor).
- Recreation facility for employees.
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
- School of special instruction.
- Recording studio.
- Travel agency.
- Watchman’s dwelling.
(Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 17-70 , Attch., 9-5-17)
Sec. 32-402.33. Special uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the O(M) District with a Special Use Permit:
- Bus station, commercial.
- Continuing care retirement community.
- Data Center outside the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Heliport, secondary only.
- Helipad.
- Hospital.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, greater than 30,000 square feet in gross floor area, in accordance with county code section 32-400.27.
- Parking, commercial.
- Solar energy facility.
- Taxi or limousine dispatching.
- Veterinary hospital.
(Ord. No. 94-49, 7-19-94; Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 17-70 , Attch., 9-5-17; Ord. No. 18-15 , Attch., 4-10-18; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-402.40 O(F), Office/Flex District; purpose and intent.
The O(F) District is intended to implement the flexible use employment center and industrial employment land use classifications of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this district is also to promote employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County. The O(F) District is designed to provide areas for research and development centers, office, institutional, and minimal impact industrial uses, with limited scale supporting retail and service uses, and to serve as a transition between lower intensity office uses and more intense industrial, office, and commercial uses.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-402.41. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the O(F) District:
- Ambulance service (commercial).
- Assembly (non-HAZMAT).
- Business school.
- Catering—Commercial (off-premises).
- College, university or seminary.
- Computer and network services.
- Cultural arts center.
- Data Center within the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.
- Electronic components assembly and repair.
- Event center/meeting hall.
- Financial institution.
- Hotel or motel.
- Institute for special education and training.
- Medical or dental laboratory.
- Medical or dental office and clinic.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, up to 30,000 square feet in gross floor area.
- Office.
- Photographic processing laboratory.
- Private school (no boarding).
- Publishing and printing.
- Radio or TV broadcasting station.
- Railroad passenger station.
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Research and development (non-HAZMAT).
- Trade or convention center.
- Trade, technical or vocational school.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-402.42. Secondary uses.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the O(F) District only in conjunction with and secondary to a permitted principal use, existing or proposed for concurrent construction in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.14:
- Adult day-care facility.
- Barber shop, beautician studio, tanning and toning salons (one set of toning equipment only).
- Cafeteria/lunchroom/snack bar/automat.
- Catalog sales, contractors, tradesman or industrial equipment (without showroom).
- Catering (commercial, on- or off-premises).
- Child-care facility.
- Commercial artist or photographer’s studio.
- Fraternity or sorority, secondary to college, university or seminary (on campus only).
- Helistop.
- Live entertainment in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.15.
- Locksmith.
- Medical care facility, specialized (secondary to hospital only).
- Mortuary, funeral or wedding chapel.
- Motor vehicle parts.
- Nursing or convalescent care facility (secondary to hospital only).
- Office equipment sales, lease and service.
- Private schools.
- Recreation facility, commercial (indoor).
- Recreation facility for employees.
- Religious institutions, with related facilities, excluding cemeteries.
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
- School of special instruction.
- Tool/equipment rental (minor).
- Travel agency.
- Warehousing (non-HAZMAT).
- Watchman’s dwelling.
- Wholesaling.
(Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
General Business Districts
Sec. 32-401.10. B-1, General Business District; purpose and intent.
The B-1 District is intended to implement the regional commercial center and general commercial land use classifications of the Comprehensive Plan. It is generally intended to provide areas for community-scale retail, office, and institutional uses in appropriate areas. The purpose of this district is to also promote retail employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County. The B-1 District is not designed to implement the non-retail employment based land uses reflected in the Comprehensive Plan; non-retail uses, however, are permitted within the district to complement and support the retail purposes.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 12-22, Attch., 3-13-12)
Sec. 32-401.11. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the B-1 District:
- Adult day-care facility.
- Alarm systems operations, office.
- Ambulance service (commercial).
- Assisted living facility.
- Barber shop or beautician studio, tanning and toning salon (one set of toning equipment only).
- Business school.
- Cafeteria/lunchroom/snack bar/automat.
- Catering—Commercial (off premises).
- Catering—Commercial (on or off premises).
- Child-care facility.
- Civic club.
- College, university or seminary.
- Commercial artist or photographer’s studio.
- Commercial bus station.
- Computer and network services.
- Craft brewery (not to exceed production of 10,000 barrels per year. May or may not be associated with a restaurant).
- Cultural arts center.
- Dry cleaning/garment processing facility, retail, less than 3,000 square feet.
- Dry cleaning pick-up facility.
- Event center/meeting hall.
- Financial institution.
- Garden center.
- Greenhouse or nursery.
- Hospital.
- Hotel or motel.
- Household equipment and appliance service.
- Institute for special education and training.
- Interior design and decorating shop.
- Laundromat.
- Lawn mower service.
- Locksmith.
- Medical or dental laboratory.
- Medical or dental office and clinic.
- Mortuary, funeral home (except in shopping centers or shopping malls).
- Motor vehicle parts, retail.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, up to 30,000 square feet in gross floor area.
- Nursing or convalescent care facility.
- Office.
- Office equipment sales, lease, and service.
- Optical and eye care facility.
- Pet store, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.24.
- Photographic processing laboratory.
- Place of religious worship or assembly.
- Private school (no boarding).
- Quick service food store.
- Radio or TV broadcasting station.
- Recording studio.
- Recreation facility, commercial (indoor).
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Religious institution.
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store, less than 80,000 square feet.
- School of special instruction.
- Shoe repair.
- Shopping center A, B, C or D (See Part 100).
- Tailor, seamstress shop.
- Theater (drive-in).
- Theater (indoor).
- Tool and equipment rental (minor).
- Trade, conference or convention center.
- Trade, technical and vocational school.
- Travel agency.
- Veterinary hospital.
- Wedding Chapel (except in shopping centers or shopping malls).
(Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 97-74, 7-22-97; Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 99-50, 7-6-99; Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-40, Attch. A, 9-13-11; Ord. No. 14-60, Attch., 11-18-14; Ord. No. 14-65, Attch., 12-16-14; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-401.12. Secondary uses.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the B-1 District only in conjunction with and secondary to a permitted principal use, either existing or proposed for concurrent construction in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.14:
- Fraternity, sorority, secondary to college, university or seminary (on campus only).
- Helistop.
- Watchman’s dwelling.
- Live entertainment in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.15.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-401.13. Special uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the B-1 District with a Special Use Permit:
- Ambulance service, maintenance facility.
- Boarding/kenneling of pets accessory to a pet store.
- Boat sales (excluding non-motorized), rental or lease, storage, service, or repair.
- Car wash (manned or self-service).
- Commercial kennel.
- Commercial parking.
- Company vehicle service facility.
- Continuing care retirement community.
- Crematory, secondary to a hospital, mortuary, or funeral home.
- Data Center.
- Donated materials collection center.
- Farmer’s market.
- Flea market.
- Heliport.
- Marina.
- Medical care facility, specialized.
- Mobile home or office sales, lease or service.
- Motorcycle sales, rental or lease, service or repair.
- Motor vehicle fuel station, retail.
- Motor vehicle impoundment yard.
- Motor vehicle parts, with service.
- Motor vehicle repair, machine shop.
- Motor vehicle sales, rental or lease (limited).
- Motor vehicle sales, rental or lease (recreational).
- Motor vehicle service.
- Motor vehicle towing.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, greater than 30,000 square feet in gross floor area, in accordance with county code section 32-400.27.
- Pet care facility, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.24.
- Racetrack (equestrian).
- Racetrack (motorized vehicles).
- Railroad passenger station.
- Range, shooting (indoor).
- Recreation facility, commercial (outdoor); paintball facilities prohibited.
- Restaurant, drive-in/drive-up, or drive-through, except as provided in Sec. 32.400.07.
- Recreational vehicle park/camp ground.
- Retail use exceeding 80,000 square feet of gross floor area.
- Self-storage center; in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.16.
- Solar energy facility.
- Stadium or arena, indoor or outdoor.
- Taxi or limousine dispatching or service facility.
- Truck stop with related facilities.
- Water transportation facility.
(Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 97-74, 7-22-97; Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 99-50, 7-6-99; Ord. No. 00-78, 10-17-00; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 12-22, Attch., 3-13-12; Ord. No. 14-65, Attch., 12-16-14; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 17-84 , Attch., 10-17-17; Ord. No. 18-15 , Attch., 4-10-18; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-401.20. B-2, Neighborhood Business District: purpose and intent.
The B-2 District is intended to implement the neighborhood commercial land use classification of the Comprehensive Plan. The B-2 District is designed to provide for areas of neighborhood-scale retail, and to a lesser extent, office and institutional uses but particularly consumer product and service centers in appropriate areas. The purpose of this district is also to promote employment opportunities and to enhance the tax base of Prince William County.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 12-22, Attch., 3-13-12)
Sec. 32-401.21. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the B-2 District:
- Adult day-care facility.
- Assisted living facility.
- Barber shop, beautician studio, tanning and toning salon (one set of toning equipment only).
- Bicycle service.
- Business school.
- Cafeteria/lunchroom/snack bar/automat.
- Catering, commercial (off premises).
- Child-care facility.
- Commercial artist or photographer’s studio.
- Computer and network services.
- Craft brewery (not to exceed production of 10,000 barrels per year. May or may not be associated with a restaurant).
- Cultural arts center.
- Dry cleaning/garment processing facility, retail less than 3,000 square feet.
- Dry cleaning pick-up facility.
- Event center/meeting hall.
- Financial institution.
- Garden center.
- Greenhouse or nursery.
- Household equipment and appliance service.
- Institute for special education and training.
- Interior design and decorating shop.
- Laundromat.
- Lawn mower service.
- Locksmith.
- Medical or dental offices and clinic.
- Mortuary, funeral home (except in shopping centers or shopping malls).
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, up to 30,000 square feet in gross floor area.
- Nursing and convalescent care facility.
- Office.
- Office equipment service.
- Optical and eye care facility.
- Pet store, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.24.
- Photographic processing laboratory.
- Place of religious worship or assembly.
- Private school (boarding prohibited).
- Quick service food store.
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Religious institution.
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
- School of special instruction.
- Shoe repair.
- Shopping center A (See Part 100).
- Tailor; seamstress shop.
- Theater (indoor).
- Tool and equipment rental (minor).
- Travel agency.
- Veterinary hospital.
- Wedding chapel (except in shopping centers or shopping malls).
(Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 97-74, 7-22-97; Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 99-50, 7-6-99; Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-40, Attch. A, 9-13-11; Ord. No. 14-60, Attch., 11-18-14; Ord. No. 14-60, Attch., 11-18-14; Ord. No. 14-65, Attch., 12-16-14; Ord. No. 16-21, Attch., 5-17-16; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-401.22. Secondary uses.
The following use shall be permitted by right in the B-2 District only in conjunction with and secondary to a permitted principal use, existing or proposed for concurrent construction in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.13:
- Medical or dental laboratory, secondary to medical or dental clinic.
- Live entertainment in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.15.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-401.23. Special uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the B-2 District with a Special Use Permit:
- Any permitted use greater than 12,000 square feet of floor area. The requirement for a Special Use Permit shall not apply to grocery stores.
- Boarding/kenneling of pets accessory to a pet store.
- Car wash (manned or self-service).
- Continuing care retirement community.
- Catering, commercial (on or off premise).
- Donated materials collection center.
- Crematory, secondary to a funeral home.
- Farmer’s market.
- Marina.
- Motor vehicle fuel station, retail.
- Mixed-use building.
- Neighborhood retail and fulfillment center, greater than 30,000 square feet in gross floor area, in accordance with county code section 32-400.27.
- Pet care facility, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.24.
- Recreation facility, commercial (indoor or outdoor).
- Restaurant, drive-in/drive-up, or drive-through, in accordance with the standards for drive-in facilities specified in section 32-400.07.
- Shopping center B (see Part 100).
(Ord. No. 97-74, 7-22-97; Ord. No. 99-50, 7-6-99; Ord. No. 00-78, 10-17-00; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-40, Attch. A, 9-13-11; Ord. No. 12-22, Attch., 3-13-12; Ord. No. 14-65, Attch., 12-16-14; Ord. No. 17-84 , Attch., 10-17-17; Ord. No. 21-55 , Attch., 10-5-21)
Sec. 32-401.30. B-3, Convenience Retail District; purpose and intent.
The intent of the B-3 District is to provide for areas within the rural area as defined by the Comprehensive Plan where convenience goods and services may be located. The B-3 District is intended to implement the convenience retail land use classification of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this district is to serve nearby residents, rather than pass-by or regional traffic, promote employment opportunities, and enhance the tax base of Prince William County.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-401.31. Uses permitted by right.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the B-3 District:
- Adult day care facility.
- Assisted living facility.
- Barber shop, beautician studio, tanning and toning salon (one set of toning equipment only).
- Child-care facility.
- Craft brewery (not to exceed production of 10,000 barrels per year. May or may not be associated with a restaurant).
- Dry cleaning pick-up facility.
- Event center/meeting hall.
- Financial institution.
- Garden center.
- Gunsmith.
- Locksmith.
- Medical or dental office and clinic.
- Mortuary, funeral home (except in shopping centers or shopping malls).
- Office.
- Pet store, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.24.
- Place of religious worship or assembly.
- Quick service food store.
- Recycling collection points, subject to the standards in section 32-250.84.
- Religious institution.
- Restaurant.
- Restaurant, carry-out.
- Retail store.
- Shoe repair.
- Tailor, seamstress shop.
- Veterinary hospital.
- Wedding chapel (except in shopping centers or shopping malls).
(Ord. No. 94-1, 1-11-94; Ord. No. 98-30, 4-21-98; Ord. No. 99-50, 7-6-99; Ord. No. 03-52, 7-1-03; Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-40, Attch. A, 9-13-11; Ord. No. 14-60, Attch., 11-18-14; Ord. No. 14-65, Attch., 12-16-14)
Sec. 32-401.32. Secondary use.
The following uses shall be permitted by right in the B-3 District only in conjunction with and secondary to a permitted principal use, existing or proposed for concurrent construction in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.14:
- Medical or dental laboratory, secondary to a medical or dental clinic.
- Live entertainment in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.15.
(Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09)
Sec. 32-401.33. Special uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the B-3 District with a Special Use Permit.
- Boarding/kenneling of pets accessory to a pet store.
- Continuing care retirement community.
- Crematory, secondary to a funeral home.
- Marina.
- Motor vehicle fuel station, retail.
- Pet care facility, in accordance with the provisions of section 32-400.24.
- Restaurant, drive-in/drive-up, or drive-through, in accordance with the standards for drive-in facilities specified in section 32-400.07.
(Ord. No. 99-50, 7-6-99, Ord. No. 04-78, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 06-77, 9-5-06; Ord. No. 09-30, 5-19-09; Ord. No. 11-40, Attch. A, 9-13-11; Ord. No. 14-65, Attch., 12-16-14; Ord. No. 17-84 , Attch., 10-17-17)
Last updated: 10-13-2022